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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a pawn loan work? Pawn loans are a quick and easy way to borrow money without a credit check or hassle. Loans are based on the value of your collateral, not your credit rating or pay schedule. Pawn loans have a term length of 30 days. After 30 days, if you cannot pay back your pawn loan in full, we can offer you an extension or you may also choose to surrender your collateral as payment in full.

What is an extension? If you are unable to pay back your pawn loan in full on its due date, you can get an extension of 30 days at the same rate of interest on your pawn loan. With an extension, you will be required to pay the interest owed.

What do I need to pawn my item? Just bring in the item(s) for collateral loan and your government issued identification card i.e. driver’s license, state ID or passport. Most loans take less than 5 minutes and you will have the cash you need.

Why get a loan from a Pawn Shop? A pawnbroker or pawnshop is a great place to get a short term loan. When you bring something of value; we will determine its value and set a maximum loan amount. Once this is completed, you have a certain amount of time to pay the loaning full and receive your items back. If you some reasons you can or decide you don't want to get your items back, you don't need to pay the loan back. The loan is them considered to be paid in full.

Can you give a quote of an item over the phone? Since it is difficult to value an item without physically seeing its condition, quotes cannot be given over the phone. Just bring in your item(s) of value for immediate evaluation. We have knowledge and experience as well as information sources to determine the value of your item.

How do you evaluate my merchandise and decide how much to give me? Evaluating items, new and old is something that we do every day. We evaluate the condition, brand, rarity, size, and style. Combined with our knowledge, experience and information resources such as eBay, Terapeak, WorthPoint, Past Live Auction Prices and other online market research tools we determine a fair market value of your item(s).

All rights reserved Copyright Stinson & Co. 337 Forest Ave. Portland, ME 04101 - Phone 207-805-1138